[Khanh Linh Pham]


Code sources

For the base structure of the code we used the Starter repository. We used this as a reference for the routing, structure and basic layout.

Furthermore, our collaboration with ChatGPT proved to be immensely valuable in shaping the development of our project. We were able to harness the power of basic models provided by ChatGPT, using them as foundational building blocks that could be easily customized to suit our specific application requirements.

A notable aspect of our interaction with ChatGPT was its role in helping us identify and rectify errors that arose during the coding process. This error identification mechanism played a crucial role in enhancing the quality and reliability of our codebase. Particularly, when it came to refining the styling and layout of our website’s CSS, we found ChatGPT to be an invaluable resource. Our team’s CSS expertise was still evolving, and ChatGPT assisted us in designing a visually appealing website. However, we maintained a balance in our usage of ChatGPT, ensuring that we only relied on it to an extent that allowed us to comprehend and modify the code as necessary.

While ChatGPT greatly facilitated the creation of a coherent and attractive design, we were mindful not to overextend its role in crafting an extravagant website that might have been challenging to modify independently. Our approach focused on utilizing ChatGPT to create a template for one page, which we then used as a reference point for designing subsequent pages. This strategy empowered us to maintain control over our project’s development trajectory while leveraging ChatGPT’s assistance judiciously.

In order to maintain clarity within our codebase, we adopted the practice of adding comments before sections that were generated with the aid of ChatGPT. This practice ensured that all team members could easily identify and understand the origins of specific code blocks. By effectively integrating ChatGPT’s contributions into our development workflow, we were able to strike a harmonious balance between harnessing its capabilities and retaining our project’s maintainability and independence.

Documentation sources

Moreover, the collaboration with ChatGPT extended beyond just code development and into the realm of documentation creation. ChatGPT played a pivotal role in enhancing the clarity and coherence of our technical documentation. While we possessed a wealth of thoughts and details, articulating them effectively proved to be a challenge. Leveraging ChatGPT’s language proficiency, we provided it with our raw content, allowing it to refine our ideas and structure them into comprehensive, reader-friendly text. This collaboration ensured that our documentation not only conveyed the necessary technical information but also did so with a level of clarity and eloquence that might have been difficult for us to achieve on our own.

To ensure the quality and professionalism of our documentation, we referred to Altexsoft’s guide on technical documentation . This resource served as a beacon of best practices, guiding us in creating well-structured diagrams that effectively communicated complex concepts. By amalgamating ChatGPT’s language refinement capabilities with the insights from reputable sources like Altexsoft, our documentation became a comprehensive and accessible resource, aiding both our team’s internal understanding and potential external users’ comprehension of our project’s intricacies.