[Summary of individual contributions]

Table of contents

[Khanh Linh Pham]

Frontend Design
Homepage and Defaultpages (Front- and Backend)
Login, Registration and Account (Frontend)
Portfolio (Frontend)
Portfolio Edit (Frontend- and Backend)
Documentation (Design Decisions, Value Proposition, Sources)*

[Florian Eppe]

Database structure
Login, Registration and Account (Backend)
Portfolio (Backend)
Portfolio Edit (Backend)
Documentation (Data Model, API Reference)*

[Victoria-Kim Bui]

Documentation (App Structure, App Behavior, User Eval, Contributions, Goals, Improvements, Peer Review (Proofreading), all diagrams and visualizations)*
My Projects (Front- and Backend)

Note: The asterisk (*) next to “Documentation” signifies that the team member has made contributions to the documentation content or structure in various areas. Additionally, you will find tags associated with each contributor’s name. These tags are used throughout the documentation to indicate sections that have been created or edited by specific team members.