[Victoria-Kim Bui]

[User evaluation]

Table of contents


The goal of this user evaluation is to understand the user experience and efficiency of interactions with the portfolio, projects, skills, and languages features within the web application. Specifically, we aim to assess the time it takes for users to manage their portfolio content and identify any pain points or areas for improvement.


To achieve our evaluation goal, we preliminary tests with our fellow students for time related reasons. Nevertheless we recognize the importance of reliable and diverse data for informed insights and would therefore conducted a user study involving a broader and more diverse group of participants before any further decisions regarding future versions of the web application.

This prelimary user study encompasses the same interactions as described previously:

  1. Viewing Portfolio and Projects: Participants are instructed to access their portfolio, view projects, and navigate between project details and the portfolio.

  2. Adding Skills and Languages Participants are asked to add a new skill to their portfolio by fillingout the skill and language forms.

  3. Adding Projects Participants are requested to add a project to their portfolio.

  4. Deleting Projects: Participants are requested to delete a project entry from their portfolio.


Based on the user evaluation, we gathered the following key results:

  • Viewing Portfolio and Projects: Participants found it easy to navigate through their portfolio and access project details. No major usability issues were reported during this interaction.

  • Adding Skills and Languages: On average, participants took approximately 2 minutes to add a new skill and a new language. Feedback indicated that the process was intuitive and straightforward.

  • Adding Projects: Participants on average took about 3 minutes to add a new project to their portfolio. The time range however varied depending on the participants throughoutness in filling out the project form.

  • Deleting Project: Users took less than a minute to delete a project entry. The deletion mechanism was found to be quick and effective.


The results of this user evaluation provide valuable insights for improving the user experience of the portfolio, project, skills, and languages interactions within the web application. Based on the findings:

  • We will continue to prioritize the seamless navigation of portfolio and project details, as this aspect of the application received positive feedback.

  • The efficient process of adding and deleting skills and languages will be maintained, as participants appreciated the intuitive nature of these interactions.

  • Feedback from participants will be considered for any minor adjustments that can enhance the overall user experience and reduce interaction times.

Overall, this evaluation highlighted the user-friendliness of the web application’s portfolio management features and informed us on areas of success as well as potential areas for refinement. We will continue to gather user feedback and iterate on the application’s design and functionality to ensure an optimal user experience.