[Victoria-Kim Bui]

[How we would improve next time]

Table of contents


Throughout the course of the project, we’ve gained valuable insights and experiences that can guide us toward even more successful future endeavors. While we’ve achieved significant milestones, there are areas where we can make improvements to enhance our collaborative efforts and project outcomes:

  1. Time Management: One notable challenge we faced was managing our time effectively, particularly due to the demands of other semester projects and exam commitments. In future projects, it’s essential for us to allocate time wisely, balancing our various responsibilities to maintain a steady workflow.

  2. Clearer App Structure: Reflecting on our journey, we recognize that having a clearer initial structure for the application could have provided a smoother starting point. In upcoming projects, investing more time in planning the app’s architecture and ensuring a well-defined structure can streamline development and prevent rework.

  3. Applying Lessons Learned: Our project has been a rich learning experience, equipping us with valuable insights into collaboration, technical aspects, and project management. Moving forward, we should actively apply these lessons to our next project, leveraging our newfound knowledge to achieve even better results.

Incorporating these improvements can undoubtedly lead us to more streamlined and successful projects in the future. Our commitment to learning from our experiences will pave the way for continuous growth and achievement.